Online Writing Workshops

“[Ellen’s] kindness and energy made the workshop even more fulfilling.”
-S.W., Participant in “Crafting Your Scholarly Book”

“Building a Writing Practice that Works for You” is a 9-week workshop & writing accountability group designed to support you during the semester. “Crafting Your Scholarly Book” is an intensive 8-week summer workshop that includes both the “Building a Writing Practice” curriculum and a book development curriculum to kickstart your book revisions.

Building a Writing Practice
that Works for You

A 9-week workshop and writing accountability group to help you build a sustainable writing practice so you can make consistent progress and avoid overwhelm. Runs Jan. 20–Mar. 21, 2025.

Crafting Your Scholarly Book

An intensive 8-week workshop to help you identify a strong argument & structure for your book & develop a writing practice that serves your needs. Runs May 19–Jul. 11, 2025.

Participant Comments from the Inaugural Session
of “Crafting Your Scholarly Book”

Before the beginning of Ellen’s workshop, the prospect of turning my dissertation into a book seemed daunting and nebulous. By the end, it seemed eminently doable, and I felt motivated to write! I heartily recommend her workshop as a way to kick off a book-writing sabbatical.
— Dr. Jeffrey Niedermaier, Brown University
The 8-Week ‘Crafting Your Scholarly Book’ made my book project feel possible. I came away with so much concrete, specific language that describes my project and its portents, and a much clearer sense of how each part builds on and informs the other. Through the workshop exercises I was able to see my project from multiple vantage points I had not previously been able to access, and developed the core structures and narrative of the book in ways that make me energized and excited about the project!
— Dr. Mika Kennedy, Ithaca College
I had an incredible experience participating in Ellen’s ‘Crafting Your Scholarly Book’ workshop. Not only did it help me to gain new insight into my book project and more confidence in the work that I am doing, but I also feel like I am working to develop a better relationship with my practice of writing. I am very appreciative of all the time and labor that Ellen put into the workshop to make it so rewarding.

Prior to starting the workshop, I was worried about having enough time to devote to it. However, I soon found that participating in it actually helped me to feel less stressed and more supported. I always looked forward to the morning sessions, especially because of the community that Ellen fostered with such intentionality.

Not to mention, Ellen’s comments on the discussion forum went above and beyond what I would normally consider helpful feedback. She so carefully went through each of my posts to offer meaningful insight that has truly benefited the development of my book. I am grateful for the work she put into those comments.

I enjoyed Ellen’s videos [the “Building a Writing Practice that Works for You” curriculum] as well! I learned so much about the writing process in a way that is helping me work through my anxieties and insecurities. I now have concrete skills that I can implement if I find myself getting stuck. I appreciated her sharing this wisdom with all of us!

Finally, Ellen is an extremely generous person. She gave each participant so much of her time and has offered to continue sharing various resources with us even now that the workshop has ended. Her kindness and energy made the workshop even more fulfilling.
— S.W., Tokyo College
Ellen’s ‘Crafting Your Scholarly Book’ workshop helped me efficiently work through a stellar curriculum that has enabled me to solidify for myself what exactly my book does and to articulate that to others. I expect the work we did will be immensely useful in completing and revising the manuscript and in drafting a book proposal. Throughout the summer, Ellen was professional, encouraging, energetic, and responsive, and I highly recommend this workshop!
— Dr. Emma Davenport, Emory University
I tend to collect [strategies and tools] like a magpie—what I appreciated most about the way the workshop presented these things was the additional philosophy/elucidation of mindset that accompanied the practical advice/strategies, because it has helped me reason my way into better habits of MIND in addition to habits of practice.

I appreciated the video lessons for their aggregation of useful writing practices and the mental narratives that underpin them. I really liked starting my week on Sunday evening with the videos, to give me a focused topic to prioritize for the week and think about incorporating in the long-term, rather than trying to revamp my entire practice all at once. Ellen’s live and written feedback was instrumental in being able to play-test writing and see if we were on the right track, and also to have a level of built-in accountability that I personally really benefit from.

I appreciated the dual nature of the workshop—breaking down elements of working ‘on’ the book, while also breaking down and slowly building a writing practice bit by bit, and thinking about what that can look like in the long-term. Developing both over the course of our eight weeks felt geared toward the long-term—the book, the job as a whole. It’s an 8-week workshop, but it’s not an 8-week marathon where everything happens, only to go back to having nothing happen afterward.

I would absolutely recommend this workshop. The workbook we used is fantastic, and the exercises within it are augmented by the experience of working through it with others and hearing about their projects, as well as by Ellen’s feedback and additional framing. It’s a big time commitment in terms of the exercises and heady book-thinking, but works well as far as timing goes (first 2/3 of summer), and is well worthwhile.
— Dr. Mika Kennedy, Ithaca College