Proposal Package Editing

Once you’ve implemented a round of revisions after receiving my proposal package assessment, I can line edit your proposal and sample chapters (and provide structural editing for your sample chapters, if needed). 

When line editing, I edit your text line-by-line to help your work make sense to (and feel satisfying for) your future readers. I revise sentences and paragraphs to clarify meaning and ensure a logical progression of ideas, commenting on any unclear or contradictory concepts and claims. I also improve readability by addressing issues such as over-quoting and missing transitions and by tightening sentences to help sustain a sense of momentum.  And I correct any errors in grammar, punctuation, syntax, and usage.

In a structural edit, I help you to clarify your claims and arguments within each section of a chapter and to arrange your material in a logical, well-paced, and cohesive sequence.